Elliott King
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Elliott King

Head Gamekeeper


Elliott King was born in the southwest of England in the heart of driven shooting country. Elliott had a burning desire to be outdoors as soon as he could walk.  At the age of eleven he decided that he wanted  to become a professional gamekeeper. Elliott studied and graduated from Sparsholt agricultural college in Hampshire, a well renown college for its game and wildlife program.



Having the opportunity to see how many prestigious English shoots operate has given him a wide field of view for game shooting and he feels this helps him strive for excellence in his role on the  Blixt team, pioneering driven shooting in America.



March 2018, Elliott’s journey brought him to the Blixt & Co team, and to the US. Working as a gamekeeper is not a job for Elliott, but a way of life and he can’t wait to continue on this epic quest.




March 8, 2018

