Blixt & Orvis Team Up
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Blixt & Orvis Team Up

Someday, it happens to all of us as we get to adulthood. You want to participate in adventure travel or a sport activity but you can’t find anyone else to participate. The demands of occupation, family, society, etc. cause you to back away from organizing trips, even with friends that have similar ambitions. After all, “herding cats” and being the one to organize events has never been first on your list.


So, what about the shooting sports – namely wingshooting. This even gets more complicated. There is buying the right gun and getting it fitted to you. Then, learning to shoot the gun to hit the target and be safe around others. Then, learning to hunt. Then, learning to hunt with a dog and maybe a guide. Then, finding places to do all of this. Or, maybe finding a place that offers some uniqueness in the hunting sports (specific species to hunt – like pheasants. Or, certain methods of hunting – like driven bird shooting.)   And, then finding like-minded people to enjoy it with you. It becomes intimidating. It becomes frustrating. Oh, the heck with it!


Blixt has teamed up with Orvis to “bring the kid out of you” and to do so in a non-intimidating and enjoyable way to participate in Driven Shoots, both in Idaho as well as the UK. From a founding in 1856, Orvis has become today one of the best “branded” companies to the outdoor enthusiast – from gear to clothing to instruction, to travel. Their logo is on fishing rods, down jackets, schools, to endorsed adventure destinations. The brand “spells” product research, commitment to the best, quality manufacturing, customer service, mentoring, etc.


More than endorsement, Orvis has partnered with Blixt to offer individuals that either don’t have the ability or interest to gather together like minded men and women or don’t have the time to organize an outing in the wingshooting sports. The Orvis/Blixt team will place you as an individual or as a group into a driven shooting experience that will rival any offered in the British or European countries.


“It is a privilege, for me to personally invite you to join Orvis in taking part in this rich tradition. You will find opportunities to take part in shoots of unparalleled quality, presented by Orvis in partnership with Lars Magnusson of Blixt & Co.”

Perk Perkins, CEO Orvis


Reid Bryant, former farmer and teacher and now professional hunter, fisherman, adventurer, and author is wingshooting services manager at Orvis. You can’t endorse outfitters and organize trips if you haven’t been in the adventure. So, from first hand experience to world class planning, Reid is the person that can interact with Lars and Jen Magnusson at Blixt to make your wingshooting adventure a “turn key” program. All you have to do is schedule, show up and enjoy!



Listen to Lars and Reid on the Orvis Podcast.


Orvis and Blixt Offerings


Driven Shooting in Teton Valley, Idaho
With Blixt & Co in Teton Valley

Dates: August 28-31
September 7-10
October 26-29
November 9-12

Driven Shooting in
Scottish Borders and Northumberland

Date: January 15-20, 2018


Click Here for more information or booking your peg