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Chef's Corner



Pheasant! So, we all love it, that’s a given, but do a lot of people really know how to prepare it once they’ve cleaned their kill? Here at Blixt, we strip the birds from their luxurious dress feathers and save the breast. The only thing is that the breast might possibly be the hardest thing to cook, simply because the lack of fat content in the meat. Most people I know usually wrap it on bacon and what couldn’t go wrong there? Bacon, yes please!

But what if you are looking for an alternative way. A way to cook pheasant that you could use it in almost any savory application and it would work?


Que in pheasant confit. The royalty of cooked pheasant.


This is relatively an easy preparation and can be made in batches to freeze or store which comes in handy for the magnitude of birds we have to deal with here. So, I’ll give you the recipe and let your own imaginations run wild with the multitude of things you can do with it.


First, you need pheasant….

20 peasant breasts

1 bunch parsley steams

10 thyme stems

1/8 cup peppercorns

2 heads garlic

1 lb bacon


Goose fat, or substitute olive oil


Start with the salt. Lightly season all the breasts and lay in a roasting pan.

Then add everything else and last the warm goosefat.

Cover with plastic wrap and then foil.

Bake in over @ 250 degrees for 4 hours and let cool in fat as to not dry out the meat.

Re warm and separate the breasts for use or storage in smaller containers.


Easy as 1, 2, 3.
